Melton Town Centre Traders meet as revitalisation project kicks off

Melton Town Centre traders joined Member for Melton Steve McGhie, Melton City Council Mayor Cr Kathy Majdlik and Council staff last week, for an online meeting to kick off the Melton Town Centre Revitalisation project.

The meeting outlined the projects that will be delivered as part of the $2 million investment in Melton Town Centre, provided through the State Government’s Suburban Revitalisation Program. 

In Melton, the program includes a suite of projects to improve visitation and economic uplift in Melton Town Centre.

Projects include developing a precinct identity, buy-local marketing, shopfront improvements, events and activations, a kid zone installation, a pop up park, physical improvements to the area, a long-term structure plan and more.

Key highlights from the meeting included:

Melton Town Centre Brand Concepts

Council has developed brand concepts that will be used to promote the Melton Town Centre as a place to visit and spend time and money.  The brand will also help to create an identity for the precinct, as well as being shared with traders to use in promotions.

Traders viewed two branding concepts at the meeting and have now provided feedback on the concepts and finalisation of the brand will now take place. The final brand will be launched in late October.

Shopfront Improvement Program

The Shopfront Improvement Program will deliver a grant program to fund eligible traders to make improvements to their shopfronts. 

Council has engaged a dedicated retail specialist to work with traders to design, develop and undertake the works to revitalise shopfronts.  With grants of up to $2000 available towards the works and project management by the consultant, this project provides eligible town centre businesses with an easy way to bring life and customers back to the area.

Eligible businesses will be contacted directly by Council staff in the coming weeks to discuss the program.

Become an MTC Champion!

Council is looking for up to 12 interested and committed traders to further guide and support the revitalisation of the Melton Town Centre.  

This group will be known as the MTC Champions and will work alongside Council to:

·       Provide considered advice, insight and feedback to inform and evolve revitalisation projects

·       Drive precinct participation in MTC Revitalisation initiatives

·       Encourage trader participation in MTC Revitalisation initiatives

·       Identify opportunities that can be leveraged from MTC Revitalisation projects

·       Help inform any future funding proposals and projects

A Terms of Reference document and an EOI process have been developed to guide the Champions.

The MTC Champions will run for a two year term, with meetings of one hour held every six weeks.

You can review the Terms of Reference here.

We encourage you to become a MTC Champion – complete the EOI form by Thursday 21 October.

There’s more to come

Over the upcoming months, details of other exciting projects will be shared.

These include:

·       Buy-Local Marketing Campaign

·       Event and Activation Calendar

·       Retail Start Up Incubator

·       Pop Up Park and Outdoor Dining

·       Revitalisation Plan & Sub-Precinct Framework

·       Kids Zone

·       Active Transport & Capital Upgrades


Susan Beniston – Project Officer, Melton Town Centre 
9747 7250 or



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