Plan for growth with PSPs, UDFs

As a business owner, planning for growth and expansion can be challenging, and planning in a growth area, even more so.

Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) and Urban Design Frameworks (UDFs) set out the master plans for whole communities, and can help inform your business on where development is planned, types of land use and potential opportunities for expansion.

As you plan for expansion, PSPs and UDFs can be seen as your guidebook for where your next opportunity lies. 

They identify: 

  • the types of land use permitted

  • the location of road and transport connections

  • the locations of schools and shopping centres; and

  • the funding mechanisms to deliver basic and essential transport and community infrastructure.

In our municipality, Melton CityCouncil, along with the Victorian Planning Authority, develops this information to help guide the development of growth areas, while setting consistent planning guidelines, and setting a path forward for business growth and expansion.

Western Highway

Precinct Structure Plans

Precinct Structure Plans (PSPs) are high level master plans for whole communities. PSPs provide guidance on the layout of roads, shopping centres, schools, parks, housing, employment areas, connections to transport, and provide guidance on complex issues such as biodiversity, cultural heritage, and infrastructure provision, along with relevant Council charges.

As a business owner, PSPs can help inform you on where development is planned, suitable locations for your business, and potential opportunities for you to expand your operations.

The Victorian Planning Authority (VPA) is the statutory authority responsible for overseeing the preparation of all PSPs in Melbourne's growth areas, and advising the Minister for Planning on their approval. 

The VPA is currently working in partnership with growth area councils - which includes Melton City Council - to complete the planning for Melbourne’s Growth Areas.

Thirteen PSPs have been approved within the City of Melton, many of which cover employment areas.  Ten PSPs still need to be prepared in the City of Melton. The VPA have indicated that they will start preparing three of these PSPs in the next 12 months.

An Interactive Map, with links to each of the current and planned PSPs can be found at the VPA Website

Urban Design Frameworks

An Urban Design Framework (UDF) is a detailed planning and design document that sets a long-term integrated design vision to guide the future use and development of an area.

Within the City of Melton’s growth areas, the preparation of UDFs are generally required through a Precinct Structure Plan (PSP) before subdivision or development can occur.

Upon completion of a UDF, planning permit applications can be lodged for land use or development within the UDF area. Council planners will assess the permit application against the UDF (along with other relevant planning policy such as a PSP) to determine if the proposal is in line with the vision, requirements, and guidelines of the UDF.

To learn more about approved Urban Design Frameworks, head to Council’s website 

Melton City Council offers a free  Business Concierge Service to assist with the business permit application process. Learn more at the Council website.


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