Business in Place Police Workshops

Business in Place is our place-based workshop series for businesses to come together around making places more prosperous, safe and connected for everyone. 

Over the last few weeks the Economic Development team has run a Business in Place Workshops for traders in Melton South and Scott Street with special guest Joanne Mutsaerts from Melton Police Station. This was an opportunity for businesses to build a closer relationship to the Victoria police to help keep our public spaces safe and prosperous for everyone.  

We would like to share some of the key points that came from this workshop and encourage businesses to download the Business Security Kit from Victoria Police, with information on keeping you and your customers safe.  

Vic Police

Key takeaways:

Report Report Report

  • Melton Police are understaffed – continuous reporting creates statistics on the area and can be used to allow for more Police staff appointments.

  • All businesses need to report criminal offences (like an incident on the street) rather than leaving it to one – Police use this data to target affected area efficiently.

  • Reporting of crimes like theft is important, a lot of crime is petty but small amounts of money over time add up.

  • Crime Stoppers – allows you to upload vehicle registrations – non urgent behaviour can be reported and can be made anonymously.


  • Don’t develop predictable habits like banking on the same day or exchanging money at the same time.

  • Learn to recognise counterfeit money, and know that it is often exchanged during busy periods.

  • Don’t allow people to hold the EFT machine, people can change the amount or process a refund onto their card.

Leaving the business at night, or feeling safe at the end of a shift

  • Talk to other shop owners to set up a safety system where staff members can leave at the same time or can assist others leaving at night. Alternatively use an alarm.

  • Avoid parking in the alleyway or in other isolated areas.

  • The greatest weapon we carry is noise. Use your voice to draw attention in an unsafe situation.

  • It is not worth your life defending your business against a dangerous criminal – look after yourself first.  

If you would like to host a Business In Place session in your local precinct please get in touch with Randi or Susan at or 9747 7157.


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