Wat The Pho

Imagine a dish being a cozy warm hug for your taste buds, incredibly comforting, a dish you wish would flow eternally from the bowl as you scoop for more. That’s pho, the star of the show at Taylor’s Hill’s Wat The Pho.

Wat The Pho was born from the passion of owner Chi Nguyen and her desire to share the wholesome flavours of Vietnamese cuisine with her community, making it easy for everyone to enjoy.

Chi’s journey with Wat The Pho started about eight years ago, without knowing where it would lead.

She loved mixing ingredients, trying new spices, and creating something amazing from scratch and knew she wasn't alone in wanting good, healthy food.

Pho became Chi’s secret weapon, a special dish that took hours to make “just right.”

Picking the freshest herbs and spices sees Chi become a woman on a tasty mission, selecting a combination of basil, mint and cilantro and bringing flavours together like solving a puzzle. Each ingredient has a role to play, all the pieces teamed up just right.

As Chi mastered the art of making the Pho, it was time to start sharing

And so Wat The Pho was created, a place where Chi could share the heartwarming flavours of Vietnamese food.

Fast forward to the big day when Wat The Pho opened its doors.

“My excitement was like a kid at a candy store but with bowls of pho!,” Chi says.

“Meeting all of you fantastic folks was like a dream come true. Your smiles and appreciation filled my heart with the kind of happiness only good food and connection can bring.”

As the team at Wat The Pho look ahead, Chi’s goal remains the same: to serve healthy, lip-smacking food that warms the heart and tickles the taste buds. The team believes food isn't just about the eating, it's a bridge that connects traditions, happiness and a whole lot of good vibes.

Chi says Wat The Pho invites you to savour not just the taste, but the story behind the dish.

“Here's to the memories we've created and the ones yet to come, as Wat The Pho continues to weave its flavours into the fabric of our local culinary scene,” she said.

“Thank you for being a part of our journey, and we look forward to many more years of serving you with the heart and soul of Vietnam on a plate.”

Visit the Wat The Pho website, Facebook page, or find them at 3/127 Gourlay Road, Taylors Hill.


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