The Organic Place

Brooke Findley and her partner Ben opened The Organic Place in 2015 after their youngest child – at just three months old - was diagnosed with severe allergies to eggs, peanuts, chicken and beef. 

As a registered nurse, Brooke understood the relationship between food and disease and after much research, decided an organic diet would be best for the health of her family. The difficulty lay in sourcing organic food in Melbourne’s west.

And so The Organic Place was born.

With three children under the age of three, Brooke knew how stressful and time-consuming family trips to the shops could be, and so opened The Organic Place as an online store with a weekly delivery service.

After launching as a home-based business, The Organic Place is now run out of a warehouse with a staff of 10. The family-friendly business employs several mums and it’s not uncommon to see a few children ‘helping out’ in the warehouse.

Brooke and Ben worked hard early on to put systems in place to cater for a large volume of customers, in the hope the business would grow quickly. When COVID hit, they felt confident they could handle whatever 2020 had in store, and were pleased to see the systems they had developed pay off.

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Brooke credits her team.

“We are really fortunate to have a wonderful team of staff who work so well together,” she said.

“When COVID first hit, our orders grew by 400% in the first month. Each one of our team members has a powerful strength that they bring to our business. It was that strength and communication that helped us successfully sail through what has been the biggest growth in our business. 

“It has allowed us to expand our delivery zones and prepare for more growth in 2021.”

Future plans for the business include extending the delivery service to cover more of Victoria and the ACT.

Find out more about The Organic Place on their website, Facebook page or Instagram.


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