Further $282.5m in lockdown grants announced for Victorian businesses

Better news for business this morning as Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Martin Pakula announced an additional $282.5 million in cash grants for businesses affected by Victoria’s lockdown 5.0.

 It brings the total support offered to Victorian businesses to $484.3 million over the 12 days.

Earlier this week, 86,000 businesses received payments of $3000 through the Licensed Hospitality Venue fund or $2000 through the Business Cost Assistance Program. These were top-up payments for businesses which had already been successful in receiving funding through these programs. 

Under today’s announcement, these businesses will receive an additional $4200 and $2800 respectively. These additional payments will be made automatically and will not require an application. The government is aiming to finalise these payments by the end of this week.

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 Alpine businesses will also receive an additional $3000 on top of the other grants.

If you were ineligible for these grants the first time round, but have since become eligible (for example if you have since registered for GST) you will be able to apply, and will have the benefit of State Government concierge assistance.

 Micro businesses, provided they are registered for the GST, can also apply.

 Mr Pakula said that most micro businesses which aren’t registered for the GST were likely to be eligible for the $600 COVID-19 disaster payment

Eligible public events and public events suppliers affected by the lockdown will receive support of up to $25,000 and $10,000 respectively through an extension of the Impacted Public Events Support Program.

Another round of Live Performance Support was also announced, with up to $7000 for presenters and $2000 for suppliers.

Community sport and recreation organisations will also receive $2000 grants for events that have been unable to proceed or have been postponed.

Read the Premier’s statement in full.


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