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City of Melton continues to grow

As of 31 March 2021, the official City of Melton total population is 180,636.

The latest population update from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that over the last financial year (2019-2020):

  • The City of Melton grew at 4.6 per cent and was the second fastest growing municipality in Victoria

  • Rockbank - Mount Cottrell area was Australia's second fastest growing locality

  • Population projections indicate that the City of Melton population will be more than 485,000 by 2051, making it larger than the size of Canberra today.

The strong population growth presents opportunities and challenges for Council, stakeholders and the community.


Business owners in the municipality can learn more about the existing population through demographics tools available on Council’s website. These include:

City of Melton Community Profile

The City of Melton Community profile enables you to analyse the population characteristics of your community, understand how they have changed over time and how they compare to other areas.

City of Melton Community Atlas

The City of Melton Community Atlas presents key socio-demographic characteristics for the area as interactive maps.

City of Melton Community Profiles

The Profiles provide accessible and user-friendly information about specific geographic areas, population growth, age groups, diversity, education, employment and income. These profiles help paint a picture of the local area in which people live, or people wish to find out more about.

Remplan Economy

As businesses plan for growth, demographics profiles can assist you in learning more about your customers and potential customers, and perhaps even guide expansion locations. You can find the latest demographic and economic data from across our region via the Remplan Economy tool.

Demographic and economic data is updated regularly based on ABS releases, profiling and internal forecasting with existing information based on the 2016 Census. New data will be coming soon, with the 2021 Census to be held on Tuesday 10 August 2021.

Our Economic Development team welcomes businesses with queries to contact them for guidance in navigating the information above and can be contacted on 9747 7157 or via email.


Community art brightens Melton South shopping strip


State Budget: City of Melton highlights